1 Nov 2009

Shopping Burlicious

So, one of the first questions we're asked is "where can I buy my boa and gloves?". Have a look at "Wear Burlicious". You'll see there a range of gorgeous stuff. Everything we put up here has been tried and tested by us.

So, the boas are available in a range of colours. Unlike some of the cheaper boas on the market, they're nice and full. They're also a good length for burlesque dancing - they stretch comfortably from hand to hand when you have your arms out wide and look great being trailed seductively along the floor. And, for those of you with longer legs, these boas are long enough to enable you to step over one easily before sliding it coyly up between your legs!

On first wear you get an average amount of feather shedding. We'll let you know later how these boas perform over time.

Now, the gloves. These gloves are not evening glove quality. They're thin and quite big in the hand. However, they're good for burlesque...unless you have tiny hands. They're long; they look good from a distance; they come off easily; and they're cheap enough that you're not heartbroken if you sling them moodily to the ground and one of your fellow showgirls tramples them. A pragmatic buy!

Over the next few months we'll be seeking out other burlesque accessories - masks; canes; maybe top hats. We'll let you know what we find!

Yours gorgeously,

Burlicious x

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