6 Mar 2013

Planning to please

Listen up, showgirls, potential showgirls and our lovely groupies - we need your practical input on a number of ideas we're mulling over.

Firstly, we're getting to the point where our Wednesday class is full. So, if we were to add another class to the week, what day and time would suit you best? We're not asking our current troupe to shift to another slot, but if you know of anyone who would love to join us but who can't make Wednesdays at 8pm, when could she come? Alternatively, if you had the chance to change your class time, when would be your ideal time to come along?

Secondly, we plan to run a couple of workshops this summer. We're thinking of a half day workshop on a weekend. Help us out here - if you, or any of your friends, were interested in coming, would you prefer a Saturday or a Sunday; morning or afternoon? We're planning on lots of luscious dancing and then maybe a glass of something fizzy (no, not Tizer), and a smidgeon of gorgeous cake as a grand finale.

Thirdly, we're so proud of what our showgirls achieve in class, we want to run an end of term show so you can show your friends and family what you can do. We're currently looking at the 13th or 20th July. Troupe - do you fancy performing? If not, do you fancy coming along anyway? How many people might you bring with you? We're asking so we can start thinking now about the size of hall we'll need to book.

Finally, we have great plans to train up additional instructors, so we can make the Burlicious experience available to women far and wide. Do you know anyone who would love to do this? We hope to run our first licensing workshop this year. All we need now are some women who would like to step into this adventure with us!

Thoughts, ideas, preferences.... email them all to burlicious@gmail.com, or pop a message on the Facebook page, or tell us in class.

Yours, excited about the future,

Burlicious x

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