26 Feb 2015

A surprise threesome

Class began last night with the beautiful gift of a bouquet of flowers for each of the three of us from our gorgeous showgirls.  Created in the colour schemes that we had chosen for our Valentine's Night performance and fluffed up with feathers, they were a "thank you" from our lovelies for getting them ready for the show. As my other half commented when I brought mine proudly home: "How nice that your torture victims thank you afterwards". What can he mean?!

More seriously, our big reward comes when the showgirls who dance with us tell us that they loved it; or that they're incredulous that they actually did it; or that they're seriously chuffed with themselves for doing it; or that they feel so much more confident about themselves since coming to our class. All of that is bloomin' marvellous.

On top of our floral delights, we had some lovely new joiners last night and the return of some great old friends. What could be better? We were a positive battalion of beauties as we "slide bobbed" and "Wonder Woman'd" our way across the hall floor muttering "five, six, seven, EIGHT".

It's good to be back!

Yours, loving our troupe,

Burlicious x

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