9 Mar 2017

A pinny for your thoughts

We launched our new routine to stunned silence last night (we're still working out what that means :-) ). It includes a new move where we turn slowly round, bringing the hands down from the back of the neck, through the cleavage, under the breasts, and then gently down the sides of the body. It's a gentle caress, drawing attention to some beautifully corseted assets.

Some of our fabulous showgirls found themselves so busy concentrating on the footwork that they forgot to keep moving the hands, meaning that, by the time they faced forwards again, they were cupping their breasts possessively as if getting ready to juggle them. It's a look, but one rather more suggestive of the male comedians in drag of yesteryear, propping up their imaginary tits on the garden fence whilst having a chat with a neighbour.

We're a breath away from a practical pinny, a hairnet, and carpet slippers at times.

Actually, we take that back. Slippers form an integral part of our choreography uniform ,and very endearing they look too.

If you missed last night, showgirls, don't despair. We have a number of known absentees so we'll repeat the beginning next week. Trust us, you'll love it.

Yours, channeling charlady burlesque,

Burlicious x

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