9 Apr 2020

We will sparkle again

In these grey, Burlicious-empty, days we bring you tidings of future fun and frivolity.

Working like the clappers, we were able to get about 90% of a new routine designed before the lockdown began. Of course, that was a while ago now and we do recognise that it will be a challenge to remember it when we are next allowed to get together :-).  We didn't quite get to the stage where we had captured it on film and so we will be entirely reliant on my scribbled notes when choreography begins again.

There is something reassuringly hilarious about standing in the kitchen with my partners in sequins, peering together at my notes, and trying to work out how the flippin' heck they can possibly relate to a danceable reality.

More and more we think that this is the show that we should put on for the world at large - a glimpse of the creative process behind our finished triumphs of movement and sass. If you could see the Voluptuous Jules being distracted by a passing pigeon as she smoulders past the fridge, neatly avoiding the worktop; or the Sparkly Bra Pixie flailing her legs in a suggested move and then being felled by cramp or an inner tweaking; or me stamping about swearing because I have fecked it up YET AGAIN...you would laugh your stilettos off.

Missing you all, Showgirls. Here's to the future relaunch of raunch and hilarity.

Yours, thinking creative thoughts,

Burlicious x

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