16 Dec 2021

A promise made is a promise delivered

I promised you a car crash of a class last night, Showgirls, and I am proud to say that I did not let you down.

I was two Partners-in-Sequins short for a dance routine that requires, er, three dancers. I took the precaution beforehand of brushing up on the footwork for all three parts. However, on the night we decided that it would be too complicated for the troupe to follow me if I was being me, The Voluptuous Jules and The Sparkly Bra Pixie interchangeably. So, I granted the freedom for every showgirl to dance whichever part drew her in that particular moment. Despite our expectations, that worked pretty well.

What was a tad more manic was me rushing up and down the hall in mid-routine so that I could lead from the front when we were facing the front, and then lead from the back when we turned round to face the back, then lead from the front… you get the picture. With the shouted reminder “don’t follow me”, I would bound to my feet partway through the floor routine then scamper to the back of the class, to be very nearly ready for them when they turned round, then rush back while they were glove twirling to very nearly remember what steps came next by the time I reached the front.

It was daft. It was fun. It was the usual little slice of laughter and soul repair with lovely women – a mini rest cure from what is at the moment a rather fraught world.

Here’s to all you Showgirls having a fabulous break over the Christmas period. We launch a brand spanking new routine on Weds 12th Jan. We hope to see you there for more sparkles, giggles and gentle chaos.

Yours, enjoying multiple personas,

Burlicious x.

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